Proponents of a New Approach to Healthy Eating

Eric Garrett
3 min readAug 12, 2022


The uprising initially formed in response to a growing awareness of the importance of health. Many people started worrying that eating junk was bad for their health. They also blamed fast food and processed foods for the nation’s obesity crisis. Fast food, in their view, contributed to the rise in obesity rates, and agribusiness was exploiting people for financial gain. This was taken as a sign of the times by those who campaign for healthier dietary options.

The larger goal of the movement is to establish a more resilient kind of civic society. In addition, it is critical of the corporate monopolization of the food production and distribution system. Corporations will cultivate, transport, and prepare your food, but they haven’t figured out how to make it lucrative for you to eat it. It’s a lofty objective that won’t come easy. This initiative has the backing of the Food and Agriculture Organization, the FDA, and many more.

Fast food consumption in the United States, for instance, is five times greater than the global average. In addition, globalization’s promotion of an atmosphere conducive to corporate dominance is directly responsible for the expansion of the fast food industry. In addition, globalization has resulted in other alterations to people’s way of life, including longer work weeks and increased traffic congestion. Those who work long hours and have little time to make a balanced supper may also find fast food to be a suitable option.

Across the United States, there is a growing social movement called the Healthy Food Movement, which advocates for clearer food labeling and better health results. However, it began in splinters and fragmentation, as do many movements. One such organization is the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). In contrast to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, which is concerned primarily with the revenues of a product, its members are often worried about the cost of food and the health advantages it provides.

Recent years have seen a surge in attention paid to the claim that fast food contributes to the obesity epidemic, with numerous high-profile champions of this view filing lawsuits against fast food corporations. Samuel Hirsch, on behalf of his client, filed the first case, claiming that fast food restaurants are to blame for the epidemic due to their failure to provide adequate warnings on the nutritional content of their offerings. The claims claimed that clever marketing practices and a refusal to post warnings about the food’s nutritional value contributed to the obesity epidemic.

Consumption of fast food in the United States, for instance, is five times higher than the global average. Furthermore, globalization’s facilitation of corporate control worldwide is a primary cause of the expansion of the fast food industry. There have been various shifts in culture as a result of globalization, including longer work weeks and increased traffic. Individuals who work long hours and have little free time may find fast food to be a suitable option.

Although there has always been a degree of fuzziness between agriculture and nutrition, proponents of the Sustainable Food movement claim that the industry is mostly to blame for the planet’s warming trend due to its practices. Agribusiness, in other words, is profitable at the expense of the general public. Although the validity of this claim remains unclear, arguments for and against sustainable agriculture are hardly novel. In fact, the Sustainable Food Movement was founded on the concept of practicing environmentally friendly farming methods.

Long has the Healthy Food Movement blamed agribusiness for contributing to the world’s food problems. The campaign was effective in making food security a priority for government. Twenty percent of all manmade greenhouse gas emissions can be traced back to the agribusiness industry. Many city farms can’t meet the high demand for organic produce. Minority groups are well represented among these farmers. However, the issue is not resolved just by engaging in urban farming. There are a number of obstacles that must be overcome before these areas may expect a reliable food supply.



Eric Garrett

Eric J. Garrett is a pioneer in the local and seasonal food movement in Washington.